A Day in the Life of Ouagadougou Zomba: "The loincloth does not stain"
A Day in the Life of Ouagadougou Zomba, in the bottom right of the satellite photograph can be sighted at training multichampion in our ocean.
After four years of waiting, we return to enjoy the native sport par excellence: in June the World Cup begins Iron "South Africa 2010."
With eight groups (see the fixture ) Islands of various oceans and seas. This sport, practiced by men and women of all ages and sexes, uncontrollable passions awakened in our island for years.
Today in "A Day in the Life of ..." , spent a day with Zomba Ouagadougou, the first global champion in this discipline. As we do not want to waste your day of training, so close to missing the World Cup, floated next to him and we told him how to live a pop idol on the crest of the wave.
A delegation of this journal is positioned at the entrance of his cave at 3:22 in the morning, trying to pass unnoticed. But Hermogenes, the male walrus of Ouagadougou and official mascot of our team at the World Cup started howling at us, awakening us UZ which appeared in a bathrobe and with narrowed eyes:
"Boys, we stayed at this hour?
"It was at 6:10, but we are enlisting the camera and recorder, inflating the raft and chat finishing the focus of the note.
-Macanudo, see you in three hours. The idol came
followed by Hermogenes. However, the marine mammal, excited by our presence, did not stop howling, so Ouagadougou, and hair, looking resigned and Olympic loincloth, came to take the required pictures and began the note being 4:44 am in the raft of affairs, while the champion glided slowly through our clear ocean.
Simba: -Ouagadougou, tell us about your beginnings, when born this passion?
UZ: - Look, I make you short, my old bore me doing the ironing. It seems that water eased the pain of the contractions and that day was to give a belly flop single. It was half asleep and he feels that he touched his shoulder: it was me who was born! Imagine my mom did not understand anything!
Simba: "What a great joy that stuck!
UZ: "Yeah, tell that to that point I had gathered enough people on the beach, so I had my first ovation ...
Simba: ... a sign!
UZ: - Yes, absolutely. And I stopped that day to dedicate to the plate to fight for years over the future of the sport and the World Championship is now a reality.
Simba: And now on your new face, as a university professor.
UZ: "Yes, look ... Are these things you do not wait, those gifts of life. When Omar suggested to me, and I thought: I jumped into the pool of head, and now more and more students.
Magoo: - The board talent comes from birth or may be learned?
UZ: "Look, how good you ask me, just a few days ago began the semester Ph.D. in 2010 from Olympic Iron in ACMelO.GT If you saw how the students come from, some never made the iron, others never bathed! And after two classes will progress already noticing. The plate is a noble sport, it gives you great satisfaction. That itself is transmitted, and most importantly, taught from the first theoretical: the loincloth does not stain.
Simba: "It's all a metaphor for the nobility of the sport ...
UZ: " Do not think, I mean literally, sometimes the new plansifter have severe problems with retention.
Image introductory class Olympic Iron PhD. See Ouagadougou Zomba teachers and Omar Garito, explaining along the boat first aid flotation techniques.
Simba: -change the subject. How do you see in this world?
UZ: - Cup aloft, neck full of medals and a host vivándome, as always!
Simba: - Do you care about age? Already have 44 years ...
UZ: "I'm not afraid at all. The truth is that new generations are not so endured, as being, if I compare myself with candidates Islands team to the cup, such as those of Cyprus, Jamaica and Martin Garcia, the kids do not pass the 25 Pirulos but double resistance!
Magoo: - Yes, what a sight! We saw the videos in the beach area of \u200b\u200b Cen.Cu.E.Ba. ! None endured more than forty days, and you spent five months making possible the plank! Five, eh!
Simba: "What I earned the rank in the competition.
Magoo: "Yes, there was clearly where is the hold ...
Hermogenes: -Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh
UZ (palm):" Look who believe it or not, Hermogenes understands everything. Moreover, I think if it were not for he had not qualified. At one point in the playoffs my technical team (Ed note: Dr. Panderette and Mr. Ullrico Ludwig Von Schlutter) had gone ashore to buy butts. Then I grabbed a contracture in the shoulder blade barely tell it. And this beast, as well as see, what I felt and massaged with his nose, while howling to alert the doctor. When he returned the raft, already had happened.
Simba: "Incredible! Tell us, how is South Africa? The culture, people, landscape ...
UZ: "Look, what I can tell you ... I got pulled by Hermogenes, and between workouts and competition could not or stand. They say it's beautiful, if I win I take a few days to come back and walk around.
Simba: "You talk to walk ... how long it takes you recover after an endurance test?
UZ: - Look, the last seventeen days I was standing, it's like the joint is unusual and loses elasticity. Luckily the people agarrameño is joined as few, always someone to take me on a stretcher or taripán me to reach a house.
Simba: - And you can tell us what you think while watching a plansifter spend their days floating in the ocean?
UZ: "You know that puts you in mind higher state. Some compare it with meditation, or oregano, or smoke a jump into the pool from an eleventh floor, is a fulfillment that comes over you and you dominate.
Simba: -Ouagadougou, the people want to know, do you have any cabal?
UZ: "Look, all the powers took the loincloth. Yes, always made by Nilo Kasai, walrus skin and died of old. On the island, is the most widely used. Almost a uniform.
Simba: "I agree with you that made him popular. Can ironing loincloth other material? What laicra, for example?
UZ: "Look, the laicra is excellent if you want to dive, for example. But to float, is something that pulls you down. Instead of animal skin keeps you floating, it appears that the hairs retain air microparticles are those that help to maintain the horizontal. Some people use cow leather loincloth, capybara other ... for me, the walrus there is nothing to give.
Hermogenes: -Ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuiihhhhhhhhhhhhh
UZ: "Without going further, the loincloth that I have set is made from the skin of the grandfather of Hermogenes.
Simba: - Are you going to fit in the world?
UZ: - Of course! Simba, Magoo, Evelyn, I thank note. I promise not to read it because the water always runs me the ink Journal.
Simba: - Thanks to you, champ!
Magoo - sign my tele?
UZ: "But of course, machine.
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