Monday, May 10, 2010

Can A Felon In Colorado Own A Rifle?


"To watch the ships come." José Luis Moruno . Nador, Morocco. April 2010.

In the first three-point suspension.
In the middle of the desert with some water, but without a compass.
On a boat with hopes to win, but adrift in the middle of a spiritually nothing Pacific Ocean.
Dreaming of the new Arcadia, with El Dorado, the promised land, but for now dreaming. Looking and seeing
not wanting to see it witnessed. Wrong eyes for fear of looking without seeing.
am that thirst that continues despite drinking.
Soft drink liquor poison, trying to erase the memories screenprinted alcohol in the mind, soul.
Without leaving the heart strings without spinal anyone to burn gloriously.
With faith and hope in tow, as chainmail heart.
The dilemma of doubt the wisdom of what was done, the validity and accuracy of my thinking. Trying
forward without knowing where, without background, without reference, no roads to reach anyone.
Weighing the idea of \u200b\u200bacting on my feelings or inhabiting the consistency of my actions.
Doubting whether it be fire or ice, white or black, alpha or omega, heads or tails.
I am bomb, no one is fire.
I am wind, no is that fire that melts iron.
no silver stars that sparkle.
imagining satisfying carnal needs. Seeing clearly
wanting to forget my essence. Doubting
as doubts, doubt is human.
With thousands of reasons to hate the sky.
I never stole from heaven great souls.
never imagined that from heaven curtailed my happiness, dead in deformed iron, flight to the flight of the air Azzurri.
Thinking about what I did wrong.
Thinking that price is too. Thinking
if an error is delivered to open the doors of the docks, having bathed in the heart of language, be all caste, be an emotional earthquake demoniac be poetic justice, living Breton L'amor fou, burn bridges, find steps to understand life from them, with all the faith and commitment to deliver hope, seeking to prevent the escapes moorings ...
Thinking about the reason for the fire. Thinking
punishment is not deserved and that is where he deserves is a shame. Ashes of a world
cover up the roads that have not come back. Thinking
if ever another fire within burns. Thinking
quench your fire with the oil of memories. Thinking
walk unattainable future with you in mind.
With my mind always thought. Thinking

José Luis Vázquez.
"The existing between Italy and the sky"
May 2010.


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