Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A3 Tdi Vs Sportwagen Tdi
Every day, thousands of Bugs Bolita (armadillium vulgare) left homeless when lifted the tile that holds. Bug Bolita Foundation meets the patriotic mission to protect this species from extinction, and Hold me kill it gives you a space.
Given the overwhelming success of the 2009 Campaign Cultural Exchange we are almost forced to have to repeat the experience.
This time, the road left us lessons which we will implement in the 2010 version of the event. Sticks that we will not tread, stones that are no longer stumble:
1. husbands will not be accepted either by one or by 10 million armadillium vulgare, because we still have a remnant of husbands who did not return to their homes, seeking political asylum in the embassies of this territory, in the drafting of this magazine and in several caves that we will not detail, not bothering anyone.
2. The duration shall be 40 days . Without exception. This time the fortieth day have to return each and every one of the bugs ball, and can be interpreted otherwise as a provocation, and can be confused with the smuggling and trafficking of bug.
3. New conversion table . Quadrupedal mammals, they retain the values \u200b\u200bof 2009, not the bipedal mammals (and we're talking about young children and mothers-in-law) that they add a zero:
In only to avoid overcrowding, Bicho Bolita Foundation suggests using 1 per 100 Mogro baldosones woodlouse (it is up to stakeholders to assess the amount of floor tiles to receive).
4. Adoption cases arising from this cultural exchange will be evaluated by Black Movement (Native Elevations in Revolutionary War), and approved or rejected the return of a delegation of 15 members will visit the possible future home of the pet . If accepted the family, the same shall be referred to a tile of 30x30 cm. with a colony of armadillium vulgare attached to the base.
(Directions: Take skim milk, watching TV late, do not cover for sleeping.)
And speaking of adoption, we want to share with readers this video sent to us by Mrs. Azucena Maria F. of Conforti from the city of Ciego de Avila (Cuba). It is demonstrating how happy and prosperous are our beloved pets, and does so with eloquent images. In a warm, clean, and newly learned new skills. Ms. Conforti
was this contingent of pets in the cultural exchange, 2009, in exchange for her husband. VIDEO
Click here
also recall the Ministries of Health and Environment of the whole world, which is fully accessible to the documentary released in 2009 on life in the wild woodlouse par excellence: our Island Dir: Mr. Magoo.
Do not miss this unique experience in the world: forward your request right now bichobolita.gob.aqlm @ gmail.com
and use this space, we answer some of the hundreds of emails we receive:
Lady Alicia R. of Ferrini : Yes, you can apply the same colony that was sent in the 2009 campaign
Mr. Hugo Alberto Salerno : Yes, you can retain some memory tile. Family
Lombroso : Of course not. Mr. and Mrs.
Raimondo: "By chance, he gave them whole milk? Lady Lily Fratarrello
: No, the children must return to their parents, do not get the citizenship of "interchange" but the Citizenship of the colony, in this case, remain citizens of AQLM Ailan, anyway not part of the pregnant females experience. Miss Della
Source: Maybe. Mr. and Mrs. Raimondo
: Occurs as whole milk gases causes them, please read carefully and respect the explanatory brochures. We regret the bad experience.
AQLM Ailan. Bicho Nature Sanctuary Bolita
Given the psychiatric leave of Miss Evelyn Gomez, this note was typed by Mr. Ullrico Ludwig Von Schlutter to thank him for his good spelling and predispisición.
The Directors
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Short Christian Youth Slogans
Não just open the window
To see the fields and river.
is not enough not to be blind
To see the trees and flowers.
must also have no philosophy.
In philosophy there are no trees, just ideas.
There is only each one of us, like a cave.
There is only one window closes, and the whole world out there;
And a dream of what you might see if the window were opened,
Which is never what you see when you open the window.
Fernando Pessoa. As Alberto Caeiro.
not just open the window
to see the fields and river.
is not enough to not blind
to see trees and flowers.
is also necessary to have no philosophy.
In philosophy there are no trees, no more than ideas.
cave Just how each of us.
There are only a closed window, and everybody out;
and a dream of what might be if the window is opened,
never do you see when you open the window.
Fernando Pessoa. As Alberto Caeiro.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How To Find Shadow Pikachu
As reads: find the Travel Journal of Admiral of the Fourth Caravel, Don Blas Agapito of Malaverga and Montemenor.
full El Diario appeared in a chest that students ACMelO.GT gun found next to recently found in the depths of our seabed. After finding that he possessed no gold or treasure any, it referred to the Underwater Archaeology Team of the black movement for recovery, conservation and study. Testimonial value conscious that this newspaper has for humanity, will be published in successive deliveries, to avoid saturating the balls.
Today, 12 October, the anniversary of San Griento throughout the Americas , published manuscripts by 30 September and 1 October 1492, historical arrival of the Fourth Caravel our island today AQLM Ailan:
Sunday xeptiemvre thirty of the month of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand cuatroscientos ninety-two :
course west
sailed ten miles per hour, greatly aided by miraculous power. Quasi jumar is not weed or a bite of one to try. Live crew nervous and hoped to see land and has days and haxen nights have nothing but complain and ramble all kinds of riots and unrest, in addition to holding several games of cards each turn. Túrnanse to stand guard at the stern paxarillo yourself that one approaches the ship, when arrójanle networks to hunt and eat without even removing the plumage. At dawn, I saw a bird that wells in beauteous bow, but wanting to save near falling over such tangled in fishing nets.
VEPE multitude of strange animals such as dolphins and huge sharp teeth, the sea seems to be curd of reach. Escort the ship and covered with a defiant look sailors who dare to peek over the side, which may seem these animals creatures INTELLIGENCE and understanding of the situation.
passed the Xorn without haxta sovresaltos that reported here, and being half-past eight in the evening the sailor and Maslejo Acatraz Sebastian, who was nicknamed "Pepe Flask", leaning forward on the railing, he said to see light away, which nobody believed to be the fan of Sebastian as white spirits, such his unfortunate nickname is certified. Sigi claiming to see light, warning shouting as if possessed.
Gritóme: "Admiral, I muérame exalted struck by lightning if latest matches directly shining in the distance are not populated by savages in the Indies." Repitiólo the parrot on my shoulder, ran from loqual poop deck to push toward the sea, lest the lightning lightning dextroze the ship. But on reaching the horizon I could see a flashing light which point star. I hugged the parrot as if possessed, which severe ocasionóle drowning recuperóse which unfortunately, I have to throw into the sea wrapped in the flag of the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon with honors Vixealmirante has merit. Meanwhile
grew the uproar on deck, there were those who wanted to swim to that point of light, which was prevented by the ferocious animals that accompanied the itinerary of the caravel. In trying to enforce calm, I was raised on a litter by the crew and has explain how I could lock myself in my room, locking the door to all kinds of mops and sticks they found, which was followed by a din worthy of the festival of San Fermin. I should wrap my ears to reconcile Pillows rest. Monday
octuvre first month of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand cuatroscientos ninety-two :
sail course west five miles per hour. At four-thirty in the morning on this "Pepe Flask" opens the door to my cabin to the voice of "Earth, my Admiral." In calxoncillos long glass in hand I rushed on deck, and facing the horixonte, I can say that there is more than India revosantes of wealth and gold, just not the bright one was viam last night.
At ten past five and seven in the morning can finally glimpsed a fire and several beings who seem young men of good stature, with their wives sinuous creatures on their shoulders, all without exception shaking like mystical ecstasy, and come to us voxes those costs. Commanded the musketeers loaded their weapons, but since I have had to mourn the desapacixión of my parrot, has greatly diminished my authority over these men. Ignoring my warning voxes and starved of food and entertainment, they decide to throw themselves to the calm sea and swim meters que nos separan de las Indias, y algunos déllos arrójanse sobre las tales criaturas de colmillos blancos, montándolas como si de corceles se tratase, que al parecer no eran tan ferozes como imaginaba. Llegando a la costa son los marinos convidados con extraños brevages, que pasan de mano en mano servidos en enormes recipientes hechos de los frutos de unos árboles que se encuentran por doquier en estas Indias, cuyo fino tronco remata en la copa con un penacho de enormes hojas.
Bien me alertó mi madre acerca del peligro de hacerme a la mar con jentes de tan baja procedencia, presidiarios con condenas perpétuas y oscuros esclavos libertos. Mejor suerte hubiese tenido de viajar en la Santa María, si no fuera porque mucho temo together with the Pinta Nina í perhaps from rough waves have sunk, and has thirty-five days and nights there was no sign of the above ships. Damn
princes, king and queen of Spain, Don Cristobal Colon, Don Martin Alonso Pinzon, the ingenious hidalgo Don Alonso Quijano and my soul, madness and haxerme haceptar size to sea with people so peligroxas. I commend my soul to the Almighty and all the saints pray for mercy for this poor servant of your grace Majesties.
Enciérrome on the poop deck with several muskets, an admiral avandona your ship while you have breath of life. Don Blas
of Malaverga and Agapito Montemenor
Photo: The remains of the fourth Carabela on our shores, on the discovery of cannon Malaverga, 17/04/1910:
Monday, October 11, 2010
Delete Series Direct Tv Dvr
called America's heart, but could not be. There was no place in the highest heart-skinned Aztec. It would be the time, for everything in Life is a moment and moments that are worth a lifetime.
will have to wait for empty glasses, squeezed lemons, Garibaldi e Insurgentes, make good mariachi and accompany the gentleman shot of horses, tattoos of skulls from the Zocalo and know that La Virgen de Guadalupe will protect us.
change direction, change of plans and open to curiosity. Direct flight to the heart of the beautiful lady who was abducted by the bull.
skinned the bull, bullfighting lustful formed in our continent. The same bull that was left to kill in the maze and barely resisted, as Borges said, to give glory to the man who inhabits Europe.
The bull and its symbol. The bull semen and fertile and foundation from Crete to Lisbon. The bull that is no grass and no freedom to some autonomous region of the country where I live, by ignorance and cultural terrorism independence of certain liberal fascist attitudes. And they think they possess the truth and freedom of other people.
But back to the heart of the lady taurómaca, there we discover Munich. City
cheerful, elegant, contemporary and neoclassical. City remorseful, devastated, with dry eyes from time spent crying. Franco-Prussian glory, global disaster ... Perhaps that is why its people are so friendly and welcoming.
are known to live, you know drinking is known to enjoy family, friends, beer, maybe to forget ... Here was born the pain left by twice the heart of taurine girlfriend Europe. Land
And remember Friedrich Bavaria, Wagner, Ludwig II, of Fuseli and William Black, Tanhauser and Tristan and Isolde and "Monk oceanfront" and "Crosses on the hill" and " Huter's Tomb "and" Boat called Hope "that wrecked so many times our minds and our souls on the journey of life.
And then we close our eyes and wake up in a world where he is living the romance, embodied in men and works mentioned above. In a place where time does not exist, where winter is winter and summer, summer. In a place with enough cliffs, lakes and enough with enough snow to take our lives for love if applicable, as you and I would. Call me romantic.
This site was visited by my two hundred bones, perched in the Alps. Called Neuschwenstein and its castle is one of the seven new wonders of the world. A place to think of you, a painting by Friedrich, imagined by Disney and the setting for all the mythology Wagnerian opera.
With the cold wind, we move from romanticism to impressionism, futurism and the industrial revolution in our train ride to the right ventricle of old Europe.
The man and modern life.
woke up in Prague. I think even turned up one morning to find you in your bed in insect repellent (such as Kafka taught us), it is worth if it is in Prague.
Kafka, Gollem, Wenceslao, Moldova, Carlos and his bridge, the Holy Child, Pilsner Urlquell, night, light, cold, cold, cold, Secession, Mucha, Chopin, Modernism, Olbrich, imperial glory, Russian submission, no streetlights streetlights, paving and Gothic, astronomical clocks, each street a photo , each photo a sigh, every breath a memorial to the souls who loved or you love and are not seeing what you do.
Vertigo is the perception of beauty, Stendhal syndrome, cold streets, bedrooms hot, love, sex and men greatly unbearably heavy or light, so the city felt Kundera.
And it all ends, we returned to Madrid to see family, friends, to remember them on their anniversary and haunting back the love that has not forgotten us and try to forget that we do not forget. And in Madrid
heat. The heat was looking handsome raptor bull through the heart of his beloved Europe, which only occurs in the lower left ventricle in our country. Hence, dwell among us; leaving other parts of the frozen heart of Europe. Only living flame that gives warmth in Spain, the flame of love for lovers found and recognized.
Each afternoon at five o'clock, again makes clear his sacrifice (as Jesus Christ in the churches of the world to remind us of the origins of Christianity) in the form of a bull facing in beautiful bush men who dream of being Theseus and we remember what we are, where we come from, in a cultural event, beautiful, true life and death. Since there is no truth, only death. A show embraced by the cream of all the great intellectuals.
But not now, in my country is progressing, forgetting the source. Derail, we balkanized by ignorance independence of four men children of a bull and a lady who was swimming in the sea, a quiet spring afternoon. Perhaps because here
Toro inhabits, so cold in Europe. In our hands they get frozen whole heart of taurine girlfriend.
José Luis Vázquez
August 6, 2010.