Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Find Shadow Pikachu

Excuse: We found the Journal of the Admiral of the Fourth Caravel of Columbus! Malaika

As reads: find the Travel Journal of Admiral of the Fourth Caravel, Don Blas Agapito of Malaverga and Montemenor.

full El Diario appeared in a chest that students ACMelO.GT gun found next to recently found in the depths of our seabed. After finding that he possessed no gold or treasure any, it referred to the Underwater Archaeology Team of the black movement for recovery, conservation and study. Testimonial value conscious that this newspaper has for humanity, will be published in successive deliveries, to avoid saturating the balls.
Today, 12 October, the anniversary of San Griento throughout the Americas , published manuscripts by 30 September and 1 October 1492, historical arrival of the Fourth Caravel our island today AQLM Ailan:

Sunday xeptiemvre thirty of the month of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand cuatroscientos ninety-two :

course west
sailed ten miles per hour, greatly aided by miraculous power. Quasi jumar is not weed or a bite of one to try. Live crew nervous and hoped to see land and has days and haxen nights have nothing but complain and ramble all kinds of riots and unrest, in addition to holding several games of cards each turn. Túrnanse to stand guard at the stern paxarillo yourself that one approaches the ship, when arrójanle networks to hunt and eat without even removing the plumage. At dawn, I saw a bird that wells in beauteous bow, but wanting to save near falling over such tangled in fishing nets.

VEPE multitude of strange animals such as dolphins and huge sharp teeth, the sea seems to be curd of reach. Escort the ship and covered with a defiant look sailors who dare to peek over the side, which may seem these animals creatures INTELLIGENCE and understanding of the situation.

passed the Xorn without haxta sovresaltos that reported here, and being half-past eight in the evening the sailor and Maslejo Acatraz Sebastian, who was nicknamed "Pepe Flask", leaning forward on the railing, he said to see light away, which nobody believed to be the fan of Sebastian as white spirits, such his unfortunate nickname is certified. Sigi claiming to see light, warning shouting as if possessed.

Gritóme: "Admiral, I muérame exalted struck by lightning if latest matches directly shining in the distance are not populated by savages in the Indies." Repitiólo the parrot on my shoulder, ran from loqual poop deck to push toward the sea, lest the lightning lightning dextroze the ship. But on reaching the horizon I could see a flashing light which point star. I hugged the parrot as if possessed, which severe ocasionóle drowning recuperóse which unfortunately, I have to throw into the sea wrapped in the flag of the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon with honors Vixealmirante has merit. Meanwhile

grew the uproar on deck, there were those who wanted to swim to that point of light, which was prevented by the ferocious animals that accompanied the itinerary of the caravel. In trying to enforce calm, I was raised on a litter by the crew and has explain how I could lock myself in my room, locking the door to all kinds of mops and sticks they found, which was followed by a din worthy of the festival of San Fermin. I should wrap my ears to reconcile Pillows rest. Monday

octuvre first month of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand cuatroscientos ninety-two :

sail course west five miles per hour. At four-thirty in the morning on this "Pepe Flask" opens the door to my cabin to the voice of "Earth, my Admiral." In calxoncillos long glass in hand I rushed on deck, and facing the horixonte, I can say that there is more than India revosantes of wealth and gold, just not the bright one was viam last night.

At ten past five and seven in the morning can finally glimpsed a fire and several beings who seem young men of good stature, with their wives sinuous creatures on their shoulders, all without exception shaking like mystical ecstasy, and come to us voxes those costs. Commanded the musketeers loaded their weapons, but since I have had to mourn the desapacixión of my parrot, has greatly diminished my authority over these men. Ignoring my warning voxes and starved of food and entertainment, they decide to throw themselves to the calm sea and swim meters que nos separan de las Indias, y algunos déllos arrójanse sobre las tales criaturas de colmillos blancos, montándolas como si de corceles se tratase, que al parecer no eran tan ferozes como imaginaba. Llegando a la costa son los marinos convidados con extraños brevages, que pasan de mano en mano servidos en enormes recipientes hechos de los frutos de unos árboles que se encuentran por doquier en estas Indias, cuyo fino tronco remata en la copa con un penacho de enormes hojas.

Bien me alertó mi madre acerca del peligro de hacerme a la mar con jentes de tan baja procedencia, presidiarios con condenas perpétuas y oscuros esclavos libertos. Mejor suerte hubiese tenido de viajar en la Santa María, si no fuera porque mucho temo together with the Pinta Nina í perhaps from rough waves have sunk, and has thirty-five days and nights there was no sign of the above ships. Damn
princes, king and queen of Spain, Don Cristobal Colon, Don Martin Alonso Pinzon, the ingenious hidalgo Don Alonso Quijano and my soul, madness and haxerme haceptar size to sea with people so peligroxas. I commend my soul to the Almighty and all the saints pray for mercy for this poor servant of your grace Majesties.

Enciérrome on the poop deck with several muskets, an admiral avandona your ship while you have breath of life. Don Blas
of Malaverga and Agapito Montemenor

Photo: The remains of the fourth Carabela on our shores, on the discovery of cannon Malaverga, 17/04/1910:


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